Life Coaching for Kids, Teens & Young Adults
Life Coaching for Kids
As a kids coach I empower kids and teens to build resilience, as well as develop self-confidence and self-esteem so they can achieve their goals and stand in their power.
Coaching Packages

My Personal Commitment is to help your kid become confident and prepared to be successful at handling any obstacles that come their way.
I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™
W: Wire Your Brain for Happiness and Success
I: Identify “Who” You Want to Be and What You Want For Your Life
S: See Your Inner Superstar and Shine
D: Dream Big, Live with purpose, Make it Happen!!!
O: Overcome Obstacles and Created Courage
M: Manage the Ups and Downs of Growing Up
* Packages can also be created to cater to the needs of the client
* Private Coaching & Group Coaching available

Building Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence
How kids feel about themselves is one of the biggest influences on both their happiness and on what they create in their lives. Positive self-esteem isn’t something kids either have or don’t have — feeling good about themselves, even when things aren’t going their way, is a skill that they can develop.
Whether or not kids believe in themselves will shape who they are and what they create in their lives — do they go for it in life or do they sit on the sidelines? Powerful self-confidence isn’t something kids either have or don’t have. Believing in themselves, even after they’ve experienced a disappointment, is a skill that they can develop! Kids often feel they have to feel confident before they do something new; however, exactly the opposite is true. The fear doesn’t go away and the confidence doesn’t come until after they take action. The good news is that they can learn how to believe in themselves, even when there is no evidence that they will be successful!
12-Week Program
- I Love Me! Learning to Develop Soaring Self-esteem
- How Your Mind Shapes Your World… and What You Can Do to Shape Your Mind
- I Honor Me! — Be Yourself and Honor Your Uniqueness
- Building Neural Pathways — How to Create Your Path to Success
- Power Shifting — How to Choose Your Power Even When Things Don’t Go Your Way
- I Believe in Me! — Develop Unstoppable Self-confidence
- Managing Fear — How to Create Courage and Bust Outside of Your Comfort Zone
- Building Neural Pathways — How to Create Your Path to Success
- Self-talk — Mastering the Secret behind Self-esteem and Self-confidence
- Self-coaching — Conquer the Day-to-day Ups & Downs & Create Daily Mastery
- Visualization – How winning in your mind creates winning in your life
- The Power of Possibility — Why You Achieve What You Believe (The Good & The Bad)
Payment Plans:
Building Self-Esteem & Self Confidence 1:1
Total = $1800.00
– 2x Payments of $900.00

Making Good Decisions & Standing Up to Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is one of the toughest challenges kids face while growing up. It is also one of the top reasons why kids get into trouble. Unfortunately, in the age of camera phones and the Internet, the mistakes kids make can haunt them for the rest of their lives. To stand up to peer pressure, kids must first decide who they are and what they stand for. Second, they must choose what they want for themselves before they are in a tough situation. And finally, kids must learn how to say “no” to their peers and “yes” to themselves.
6-Week Program
- The Power of Self Responsibility — How to Be “The Boss of Me”
- Choosing Integrity — What You Do When No One is Looking
- Make Your Mark with Respect — Understanding Your Impact on Others
- Make Your Mark with Self-respect — Understanding Your Impact on You
- Making Good Decisions — Choosing What You Want for You
- Standing Up to Peer Pressure — Say “Yes” to You and “No” to Peer Pressure
Payment Plans:
Making Good Decisions 1:1
Total = $900.00
– 2x Payments of $450.00

Building Resilience
Building resilience means helping kids develop the skills to handle the ups and downs of growing up without getting down on themselves or giving up on themselves. Developing resilience is one of the most important mindset skills for kids to learn because their ability to pick themselves up again when things don’t go their way will directly shape who they become and what they create in their lives. The good news is that resilience can be taught. At Adventures in Wisdom™ we call this slaying dragons! To learn how to slay dragons, kids learn specific skills for managing mistakes, overcoming fear, moving past disappointment and failure, and handling change. The key to handling these challenges is learning to use power shifting skills, developing supportive belief systems, using positive self-talk, and practicing visualization. With this coaching package, kids learn how to get back up again after falling so that disappointments and failures don’t keep them from their dreams.
8-Week Program
- How Your Mind Shapes Your World… and What You Can Do To Shape Your Mind
- The Power of Possibility — Why You Achieve What You Believe (The Good & The Bad)
- Overcoming Mistakes — How to Learn from Mistakes and Let them Go
- Managing Fear — How to Create Courage and Bust Outside of Your Comfort Zone
- Self-talk — Mastering the Secret behind Self-esteem and Self-confidence
- Moving Past Failure — How to ”Put it in a Box” and Keep on Goin’
- Visualization — How Winning in Your Mind Creates Winning in Life!
- Managing Change — How to Embrace Change and Thrive
Payment Plans:
Building Resilience 1:1
Total = $1200.00
– 2x Payments of $600.00

Making Dreams Come True
Throughout history, humans have made the once “impossible”, possible — from electricity, to airplane flight, to cell phones, to open heart surgery — impossible dreams have become day-to-day conveniences of the modern world. And it is all the result of dreaming! Someone thought of an idea, believed in that idea, and took action to make it happen. Kids learn that no one can make their dreams come true except for them. In this package kids learn a three step process for creating a life of their dreams. They create a vision for their lives, learn how to use goal setting to take action on their vision, and learn how to use the Law of Attraction tools of visualization, affirmations, and gratitude to “program” their mind for success. With DreamPower kids learn how to make their dreams come true without the fairy!
8-Week Program
- The Power of Possibility – Why You Achieve What You Believe (The Good & The Bad)
- Conditional Thinking — How “if…then” Keeps You from Happiness
- Creating Your Vision — What Do You Want?
- Goal Setting —How to Turn Your Vision into Action!
- Law of Attraction — Using Attraction and Action to Manifest Your Goals
- Visualization — How Winning in Your Mind Creates Winning in Life!
- Affirmations — How to Program Your Mind to Reach Your Goals
- Gratitude — How an Attitude of Gratitude Prepares You for Your Dreams
Payment Plans:
Making Dreams Come True 1:1
Total = $1200.00
– 2x Payments of $600.00
Life Coach • Confidence Coach • Kids Coach
Parent Resources
The secret behind self-esteem and self-confidence
Special Report
How “Life Coaching for Kids” is transforming the lives of children around the world — and how you can be a part of it!

– Tamisha Wright, Parent